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Welcome to your journey of

Health Empowerment

I’m so delighted you have taken this step.

If the info below lights something up inside you and you want to know more, then do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or book a 1:1 – you will never look back once you welcome these oils into your life.


Why dōTERRA essential oils?

It's so important to me, and I imagine to you too, that the products I buy and use within my household are sourced from a place of heart and ethics. I firmly believe there is an energetic exchange that takes place in this area.

One of the many reasons that I chose to partner with dōTERRA is because of their sourcing model. It is one that has been carefully collated and curated to make sure that everyone involved in every aspect of getting the oil delivered to your door is paid a fair and competitive wage.
They work hard to make sure that middlemen are cut out so the price is not driven down and those communities that are sourcing, picking, collecting and distilling the oil get paid the correct price for their produce.

They even go a step further than this - they make sure that the families and communities who source these oils are supported in the needs they may have. This could be clean drinking water, a school building, better roads etc. This model is called Co-Impact sourcing.

It does my heart good to know that as I use these precious oils for me and my family that no harm has come to anyone involved in the journey to get it to me - in fact, quite the opposite their lives have been enhanced and supported by my choice to purchase these oils.

Discounts and FREE products

When you shop with dōTERRA, you can choose to purchase items at retail price or enrol for immediate discounts.

Enrolled Customer Benefits:

  • Wholesale pricing at  25% discount!

  • Product Points: receive 10-30% of your total purchase back (optional)

  • Eligible for FREE Product of the Month

  • No monthly order required

Community & Knowledge

Welcome to a community of empowered people choosing high quality, responsibly-sourced, pure, essential oils to support health and wellbeing for themselves and their families.

But the benefits don't end with your purchase... 

Enrolling with me gives you full access to our Essential Oil Community and education on natural products for health and wellness

Support when you need it

Want help with product choices or applications? It helps to have someone with experience to guide you.

Book one-to-one support with me over the phone, on WhatsApp, via Zoom or in person. Together we can tailor exactly the right oils  (or kits)  to suit your needs and explore any special offers to make sure you're getting the most from your budget. 


"That was wonderful Clare. I would never have imagined being able to have such a deep, meaningful, informative and kind introduction to essential oils. You are very inspiring and for the first time I feel the benefits of essential oils will be embedded into my everyday life and I will have the ability to share through my reflexology too."  

Shayne W.

How to Order

Let me give you the low down on your options.

You can buy the oils at the retail price here.

But, the best way is to open up a wholesale account.


  • you get your oils at 25% off 
  • once you open up an account you get access to all the education and a supportive nourishing community of people just like you who have taken the step into being empowered about their health on all levels.

There are two ways to open up a wholesale account.

  • Either by choosing your oils specifically a la carte and paying an enrolment fee of £24
  • Or the most efficient and economical way is to buy an enrolment kitbrowse kits here - please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with queries or questions. I am here to support you and make sure that you get the right kit for you.
Below is a video to walk you through the enrolment process...

The benefits don't end with your purchase... 

Enrolling with me gives you full access to our private Essential Oil Community where you will learn how to get the most from your oils, benefit from the experience of other members, and find recipes, blends and natural products for health and wellness.

I will support you in your journey to integrate these pure oils into your life with education and knowledge to change and enhance your health.


"Plants take the energy of the sun and transform it, through photosynthesis, into the food energy upon which all animals rely. Essentials oils are the concentrated form of that energy"

Valerie Ann Worwood – Aromatherapy for the Soul

Can smelling an essential oil really make an impact on your well-being?

If you are using oils of a high quality that are sourced from a place of wholeness, then yes.

How does this happen? 

Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds. They come from the part of the plant that helps it ward off threats in its environment. They are made up of hundreds of natural compounds that all have a specific job to do and that are part of what makes a plant thrive.

We are a similar carbon makeup and so the oils are very easily assimilated into your own systems.

Essential oils are incredibly small (small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier) and they're also liquid soluble. So they can help protect our cells from the outside but also can penetrate our cell membranes and have an effect inside our cells too.

When you apply pure essential oils for example to your feet, wrists or tummy the oils enter your bloodstream and get to work.

When you smell an essential oil it enters the olfactory system and travels to our limbic part of the brain – this is our emotional centre – where memories are stored and where we make emotional decisions from.  Smell is such a powerful sense – I only have to smell a whiff of coconut and I am back at 5 years old with my mum putting sun lotion on my nose, we lived in the Middle East and I can feel the heat – the full memory is there.

This shows us that the oil you smell can affect your mood. For example, Tree oils will help calm and ground, citrus oils will help uplift and encourage joy, and mint oils encourage focus and clarity.

This is just a small snapshot and I can’t wait to show and tell you more.

Clare Savage Essential Oil

I cannot stress enough how important it is to use pure oils that are tested so you know they are going to give you the effects you desire and need. This is why I have chosen to work with and partner with dōTERRA oils. I trust implicitly their purity and am in awe of their sourcing model.

They source from all around the world, from where the plant naturally grows and thrives and they commit and make sure that whoever is sourcing, growing, picking, and distilling the plants is supported to thrive too. It’s a wonderful system where everyone benefits.

I know as I apply Deep Blue to my sore shoulders to soothe the ache that the Wintergreen sourced within the blend has helped so many women and their families across the world and that is a great feeling.